The Community Weed Bin is here!

Community Weed Bin available now at the Parua Bay Community Centre!

Bring in your invasive weeds and we will dispose of them free of charge

The bin is located in the top carpark of the Parua Bay Community Centre.  It is a bit of a pilot project, but we hope to be able to keep it there for a month, depending on whether people respect its purpose.

So get weeding and bring in your invasive weeds – this includes weeds like moth plant, wild ginger, elaeagnus, woolly night shade, tradescantia, climbing asparagus, jasmine, blue mo

rning glory and tree privet and chinese privet.  If you are not sure you can always give us a call on 022 056 2277.

PLease help us to continue to provide this service by NOT dumping:

  • Regular garden waste and lawn clippings
  • Bamboo, palm trees and flax
  • Native plants
  • Tree trunks and large branches
  • Rubbish and inorganic items
  • Weeds removed from around kauri trees, because of the risk of spreading kauri dieback disease.

Don’t forget when you are doing your weeding to remove by the roots, or to use some herbicide to stop cut weeds growing back. Saves work and weeds in the long run. Free advice and herbicide available to help with this too – just ask!

Spread the word!

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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