Mexican Devil

Ageratina Adenophora - Image courtesy of Weedbusters

Ageratina Adenophora - Image courtesy of Weedbusters

How to Control:

  1. Dig out or hand pull small infestations. Expose roots.
  2. Cut stems and treat with (5g metsulfuron-methyl /1L water)
  3.  Weed wipe all year round (330ml glyphosate/1L water) or (2g metsulfuron/1L water ).
  4. Spray, lightly, not to run off, (200ml glyphosate + 20ml penetrant/10L water) or (5g metsulfuron /10L water – add 10ml penetrant in winter). Best in Aug-Jan when in flower but before seeds present.
  5. Spray aquatic sites (200ml glyphosate/10L water).  Use glyphosate formulation approved for use over water.

Easiest to control at onset of flowering. Permanently exclude livestock and control vertebrate pests to minimise disturbance and  allow native species to provide competition for this weed. Slash or lightly spray to weaken population until native vegetation gets ahead. Interplanting with taller, shade-loving species can help in shady areas, but in open, moderately-lit sites, continuing control will be needed. In low-growing habitats, dense groundcover planting may be necessary. Minimise disturbance as seed bank reinfests bared areas.

Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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