Meet the New Project Coordinator

Introducing Kelly!

November marks the start of a new chapter at Weed Action with a new Project Coordinator taking the helm – Kelly Maxwell. Jo Barr, the goddess of strategic weed warfare at the Heads for 3 years, has taken up a position as a Biosecurity Specialist at Northland Regional Council. Much of her new position is dedicated to taking the successful Weed Action brand to other community-led weed groups in Northland. What a compliment to years of dedication by Jo, the committee, and the many volunteers who have made the WA model as successful as it is! Jo will remain a valuable source of support and knowledge for Weed Action as I learn the ropes as the new coordinator.


I have been a Parua Bay resident for 2.5 years and have been involved in conservation on some level in New Zealand since 2010 when I started studying Environmental Management and Biology. Over those eight years, I have worked on various exciting projects around NZ, including conducting pest control in a fenced sanctuary, mist-netted kokako for relocation, a reptile survey on an off-shore island, propagated and planted natives, conducted recreational fishing surveys, and part of a successful (invasive) butterfly eradication. I have always been passionate about the outdoors and am the most fulfilled being part of a team protecting the unique ecosystems of NZ. In 2016, I was introduced to Weed Action when I called Jo to come and look at the weeds on my property and see if I could score some free herbicide! The work I saw Weed Action doing around the Heads made a real impression, and the group’s objectives, particularly removing barriers to action, inspired me to tackle the climbing asparagus that was starting to invade a corner of my property.

Going Forward

I intend to carry on the excellent work of Weed Action in my new role by supporting our community in removing barriers to action and encouraging residents to have a ‘weed vision’. I look forward to continuing to strengthen relationships throughout the community, getting out there and meeting some new faces, and particularly looking forward to swapping some ‘pearls of wisdom’ with our Primary School children through our educational visits.

Our Facebook page: Weed Action Whangarei Heads
or call me directly: Kelly Maxwell – 021 02332005 for free advice, tools, equipment and herbicide and help join the fight against invasive weeds at Whangarei Heads.

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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