Madeira Vine/Mignonette Vine

Anredera cordifoliaSpecial disposal notes: No seed produced, spread by rhizomes and extremely persistent tubers (and stems to a lesser extent). Maintain strict weed hygiene. Intensive follow up required to deal with sprouting tubers.

How to Control:

  1. Pull out roots & rake up aerial tubers. Place all parts in black plastic bags/sheets and leave to cook in sun, or bag and take to landfill.
  2. Cut stump application: Cut stems and treat with (100ml glyphosate /1L water), or  (1g metsulfuron/1L water ) or (100ml Tordon Brushkiller®/1L water) or (100ml triclopyr/1L water). Dispose of cut parts to landfill or place in black plastic bags/sheets and leave to cook in sun.
  3. Drill and fill: For larger stems drill (c.10mm drill bit) sloping holes into the stems, & immediately fill each hole with (5g metsulfuron/1L water)
    4. Larger infestations can be controlled by carefully cutting back any growth covering desirable vegetation & spray remaining growth spring-autumn (3g metsulfuron + 100ml glyphosate + 20ml penetrant/10L water), or (5g metsulfuron + 10 mls penetrant/10 L), or (60mls triclopyr/10L water – best for ground level tubers).

Incrediblly persistent tubers. Practice very strict weed hygiene. Contact Weed Action Co-ordinator for help controlling this weed.

CAUTION: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

Click here for more information on the herbicides referenced in the control methods, or here for more information on the suggested techniques.

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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