
Hawthrone - image courtesy of Weedbusters
  1. Hawthrone - image courtesy of WeedbustersDig out small plants. Leave on site to rot down.
  2. Cut stump application: Cut down low and treat stump with (5g metsulfuron/1L water), or (50ml triclopyr/1L water), or (250ml Tordon Brushkiller®/1L water)
  3. Frill and fill:  Cut deep notchs into the sapwood at 10cm intervals around the base of the tree, taking care not to ring-bark the plant.  Immediately fill each cut with 2g metsulfuron (dissolved in approx 50ml water), or 1.5ml undiluted Tordon Brushkiller®. Extra care must be taken when using undiluted herbicides.
  4. Drill and fill: drill holes sloping into the sapwood at regular intervals around the tree. Immediately fill (250ml glyphosate/1L water) or undiluted Tordon Brushkiller®. Extra care must be taken when using undiluted herbicides.
  5. Spray at full leaf & active growing stage (Nov-Mar) only:  (5g metsulfuron+10ml penetrant/10L water). Full coverage of foliage required.

Cut stumps and severed roots resprout. Plants prefer disturbed soils, are slow to die and decompose. Avoid temptation to clear, burn or otherwise disturb soil. Maintain humus and groundcover. Plant dense species where possible to minimise seeding.

Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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