Tree privet

Ligustrum lucidum Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods Also known as Japanese privet, broadleaf privet What does it look like? A small to large evergreen tree that can grow up to 15m high, but can also be a dense shrub less than 10m. Can have distinctive warty lumps on […]
Taiwan cherry

Prunus campanulata Also known as Bell-flowered cherry, Formosan cherry What does it look like? Taiwan cherry is a deciduous tree growing up to 8 m high. Leaves are serrated, thin and cherry-like (rounded at base, broadly elliptic with sharp point at tip). Leaves can be up to 17 mm long x 9 cm wide but […]

Elaeagnus x reflexa Just want to know how to kill it?Skip to control methods Also known as Elaeagnus hybrid, Elaeagnus pungens, Elaeagnus glabra, Elaeagnus ‘variegata’ What does it look like? Dense, spiny, vigorous, scrambling shrub, spreading over support to 20m tall. Stems are red-brown and long, arching and tough. Older stems have sharp spines. Introduced […]

Cotoneaster glaucophyllus Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods What does it look like? An arching, spreading, evergreen shrub usually less than 3m tall but can grow up to 5m. Cotoneaster has distinctive bunches of small red berries from February to August. Mature cotoneaster leaves (30-70 x 15-35 mm) have […]
Chinese privet

Ligustrum sinense Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods Also known as hedge privet, small-leaved privet What does it look like? Shrub or small tree growing to 5m high, with distinctive warty lumps on stems and densely hairy shoots. Evergreen in Northland, with oval, dull green leaves (25-60 x 12-25 […]
Wild ginger

Hedychium gardnerianum Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods Also known as kahili ginger, ginger lily What does it look like? Non-woody perennial with soft erect stems, growing up to 2m tall, with a short pinkish ‘collar’ at the base. Forms deep beds of dense, many-branched taro-like rhizomes (rhizome beds […]

Tradescantia fluminensis Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods Also known as Wandering willie What does it look like? Creeping and mat-forming perennial groundcover with succulent, soft, creeping stems that root at all nodes touching the ground. Dark green, shiny, smooth and slightly fleshy leaves (3-6 cm long ) are […]
Moth Plant

Araujia hortorum Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods Also known as Cruel Plant, Kapok Vine, moth vine, milk vine, milk weed, wild choko vine, Araujia sericifera, Physianthus albens What does it look like? Rampant, evergreen vine growing up to 8 m tall with smelly, milky sap and twining flexible […]

Jasminum polyanthum Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods What does it look like? This is an evergreen climbing vine that grows up to mid-canopy height. It has very long, non-woody, round, tough, stems that root at the nodes. Smooth edged leaves are arranged in opposite pairs on stems, and […]
Climbing asparagus

Asparagus scandens Just want to know how to kill it? Skip to control methods Also known as Asparagus fern What does it look like? Scrambling & climbing plant. Long green, thin, wiry stems (2-4 m long) that are much branched at the top. Fine, fern-like foliage, small, delicate leaves. Tuberous roots. Tiny white flowers (Sept-Dec), […]