Willow leaved hakea

For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.
Wilding pines

How to Control: Pull or dig out small plants. Leave somewhere dry to mulch. Fell at ground level below the lowest branch. Check for branches below soil level. Stems occasionally resprout, make sure there are absolutely no green needles below the cut. Cut & stump application: Cut and treat stump immediately with (1g metsulfuron/ L) […]
Queen of the Night

Additional safety note: Cestrum species are extremely toxic to farm animals and toxic to humans. Wear gloves when handling. How to Control: Pull out small plants. Leave to mulch. Cut & stump application: Cut and treat stump immediately with (100ml Tordon Brushkiller®/1L water), or (100ml triclopyr /1L water), or Vigilant® gel. Spray spring – summer […]
Prickly hakea/needlebush

For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.
Orange cestrum

Additional safety note: Cestrum species are extremely toxic to farm animals and toxic to humans. Wear gloves when handling. How to Control: Pull out small plants. Leave to mulch. Cut & stump applicatiom: Cut and treat stump immediately with (100ml Tordon Brushkiller®/1L water), or (100ml triclopyr /1L water), or Vigilant® gel. Spray spring – summer […]

How to Control: Introduce biocontrol agents wherever possible. Hand pull seedlings and very small plants. Cut stump application: Cut down low and treat stump with (2g metsulfuron/1L water ), or (100ml Tordon Brushkiller®/1L water) , or Vigilant® gel, or (100ml triclopyr/1L water), or (250ml glyphosate + 10ml penetrant/1L water). Frill and Fill: Make a deep […]
Brush Wattle

How to control: Hand pull or dig small plants (all year round). Ensure minimum soil disturbance. Cut stump application: Cut low and treat stumps with (5g metsulfuron/ 1L water) or (50ml triclopyr /1L water). Frill and fill: Make deep downward cuts into the sapwood around the base of the tree every 10cm, taking care not […]

How to Control: Hand pull seedlings, winch out larger plants (all year round). Plant material can be left on site. Cut stump application: Cut down low to the ground and treat stumps with (200ml glyphosate/1L water) or (5g metsulfuron/1L water) or (200ml Tordon Brushkiller®/1L water). Frilling: make a deep cut into the sapwood at regular […]
Wonga Wonga vine

Special disposal notes: Cut stems can layer – Hang up off the ground or leave up in vegetation to dry out, dry and burn it, or take to landfill. How to Control: Hand pull small infestations, dig out roots. Cut stump application: Cut stems at ground level and treat stump with (200ml glyphosate/1L water) or […]

Special note: Self-introduced biocontrol rust is present in the Whangrei Heads area. Most obvious signs of impact usually in July August. How to Control: Dig out tubers. Dispose of them at a refuse transfer station or burn them. Leave foliage on site to rot down. Weed wipe spring-early summer (300ml glyphosate/1L water). Spray in spring-early […]