Mexican Daisy

For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.

How to Control: Dig out. Generally not recommended as roots resprout unless all fragments removed. Use only on small plants and where herbicides cannot be used. Cut stump application: cut low and treat stumps with (200ml glyphosate/1L water). Spray (best in Nov & Dec) with (125ml glyphosate + 20ml penetrant/10L water) or (100ml Tordon Gold/10L […]
Fairy Crassula

How to Control: Handweed and dispose of all plant material at a refuse transfer station. Spray with (200ml glyphosate/10L water + 20ml penetrant). Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.
Christmas (Formosa) Lily

What does it look like? Upright herbaceous plant with perennial underground bulbs producing annual shoots (<1-2m tall). Erect unbranched stems are mostly smooth and dark green in colour, but can be purplish-brown towards the base. Alternately arranged stalkless, hairless leaves (7.5-20 cm long and 5-10 mm wide) with smooth edges are elongated or linear in shape and […]
Cape Gooseberry

How to Control: Remove by hand. Spray large areas (100ml glyphosate/10L water). Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed. For more information and pictures of this weed check out this Auckland Council info page.
Canna Lily

How to Control: Dig out scattered plants (all year round). Remove all roots and rhizomes and dispose of at a refuse transfer station. Cut stump application: Cut stems and treat with (1g metsulfuron + 50ml glyphosate + penetrant/1L water), or a 3-5mm layer of Vigilant® gel. Mulch the leaves and dispose of seeds at a […]
Bear’s Breeches

Additional safety note: Wear gloves when working as spines can cause injury. How to Control: Dig out scattered plants (all year round): Ensure removal of all roots as even small pieces left behind will regrow, and dispose of roots and seedheads at a refuse transfer station. Leaves can be mulched. Limited documented herbicide based control […]
Arum lily

How to Control: Slash tops: Leave on site to rot down. Dig out tubers, dry and burn or bury deeply. Cut stump application: Cut stems and treat with (1g metsulfuron + 100ml glyphosate + 10ml penetrant/1L water). Leave cut stems on site to rot down. Weed wipe (1g metsulfuron + 150ml glyphosate + 10ml penetrant/1L […]

How to Control: Dig out small patches. Dispose of rhizomes and seed heads at a refuse transfer station, burn or bury deeply. Weed wipe, spring-autumn (1g metsulfuron + 150ml glyphosate + 10ml penetrant/1L water). Spray (spring-autumn): (3g metsulfuron + 150ml glyphosate + 10 ml penetrant /10L water). Difficult to eradicate once established as seeds prolifically. […]

Special disposal notes: Seed and root fragments are easily spread in contaminated soil, and dumped vegetation. Dispose of all corms and root fragments to landfill, or dry and burn. How to Control: Dig out scattered plants. Dispose of ALL corms and root fragments at a refuse transfer station or dry them out and burn them. […]