
How to Control: Weedmat very small discrete spots for 2-3 months. Limited effectiveness, only really applicable around plantings as a suppression method. Does not prevent reinvasion. Spray new growth (spring & autumn) with (60ml haloxyfop + 50ml crop oil/10L water). Haloxyfop is selective for grass species. At a minimum, a second follow up spray essential […]
Giant Reed

Special disposal notes: Most or all of its spread is by rhizomes (and stems that can also re-sprout), through dumping of greenwaste, as little or no seed is set in New Zealand. How to Control: Cut down close to ground, dig out entire root/rhizome mass (large clumps will require machinery). Dispose of roots/rhizomes to landfill, […]

How to Control: Dig out & dispose. Cut down close to ground; spray regrowth before it reaches 60cm with (200ml Amitrole + 20ml penetrant/10L water). Continue respraying regrowth at under 60 cm until regrowth ceases (usually requires 4-6 treatments). Minimise Amitrole contact with soil & other vegetation as it is non-selective, residual, and corrosive. Cut […]
Velvet Groundsel

How to Control: Dig out smaller plants & spray regrowth (10ml clopyralid/10L water). Do not use clopyralid in home gardens because of very long term soil residue. Cut & stump paint larger plants with Vigilant gel. Spray (10ml clopyralid/10L water). Do not use clopyralid in home gardens because of very long term soil residue. Replant […]
Tuber ladder fern

Special disposal notes: Most or all of its spread is by tubers and runners/rhizomes, through dumping of greenwaste, as very little is likely spread by spores. How to Control: Pull out, Leave on site to rot down. Dispose of tubers and runners at a refuse transfer station, burn or bury. Spray with 1g metsulfuron/10L water). […]

For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.
Rice-Paper Plant

For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.
Plectranthus (Blue spur flower)

How to Control: Dig out small plants, removing all stem fragments. Dispose of at a refuse transfer station or burn or bury deeply. Cut stump application: Cut low and treat stump with (200ml glyphosate/1L water) or (1g metsulfuron/1L water) or (100ml triclopyr/1L water). Spray all year round (100ml glyphosate + 20ml penetrant/10L water) or (2g […]

How to Control: Introduce Entyloma fungus & gall-fly wherever possible. The fungus may take several years to become dominant. Dig out or hand pull small infestations. All roots need to be removed as even small pieces of root regrow. Roots can be hung up off ground to die Weed wipe, all year round (300ml glyphosate/1L […]
Mexican Devil

How to Control: Dig out or hand pull small infestations. Expose roots. Cut stems and treat with (5g metsulfuron-methyl /1L water) Weed wipe all year round (330ml glyphosate/1L water) or (2g metsulfuron/1L water ). Spray, lightly, not to run off, (200ml glyphosate + 20ml penetrant/10L water) or (5g metsulfuron /10L water – add 10ml penetrant […]