Are you in the zone?

Thanks to a grant from the WWF-New Zealand and Tindall Foundation Habitat Protection Fund, we are undertaking a special project to rid the southern end of the Whangarei Heads peninsula of elaeagnus and tree privet.

Are you in this zone? Got elaeagnus or tree privet? Get in touch so we can stop the spread.

Both of these weeds are a big problem for the Heads, but at the southern end of the peninsula their spread is still relatively contained; the area south of Mt Manaia contains very few tree privet, and isolated patches of elaeagnus. By working with the landowners in this area, we could effectively remove all of these seed sources.

Targeting the edges of an infestation,  early in the infestation period,  has a much wider benefit than just at the control site. By tackling these outliers, we can remove almost all of the seed source in a local area, and stop the spread. If left in place, the spread becomes exponential as one plant can produce 1000 seedlings , which will then produce 1000 seedlings each and so on, until these weeds become the dominant plants.  Targeting isolated individuals or patches of weeds  is  essentially the same principle as a ‘stitch in time saves nine”, except in this instance, we are saving ourselves countless future hours weeding the bush by preventing the establishment of thousands of new weed seedlings.

To have the biggest impact, we need to control every plant or patch – so we need landowners in the control to get in touch if they think they have this weed. Our contractors can then come in and do the initial control, and give you the skills and info to be able to do the surveillance and follow up control for any seedlings that may pop up.

Call or email Weed Action Coordinator Jo Barr – even if you are unsure  about your ID skills – she will be delighted to hear from you!

Ph: 022 506 2277


Elaeagnus pics:



Tree privet pics:

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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