
Agapanthus Praecox - Image courtesy of Weedbusters

Agapanthus Praecox - Image courtesy of WeedbustersSpecial disposal notes: Seed and root fragments are easily spread in contaminated soil, and dumped vegetation.  Dispose of all corms and root fragments to landfill, or dry and burn.

How to Control:

  1. Dig out scattered plants. Dispose of  ALL corms and root fragments at a refuse transfer station or dry them out and burn them. Usually follow up with spraying.
  2.  Slash leaves close to ground & paint fresh stump with picloram gel, or (100ml triclopyr/1L water) or (10g metsulfuron + 20ml penetrant/1L water).
  3. Spray (60ml triclopyr + 20ml penetrant/10L water) or (200ml Banvine + 10ml penetrant/10 litres water).

Hard to kill. At least two or three repeat applications will be necessary at 6-8 week intervals for effective control. Begin eradication at top of banks or stream & work down, as seeds blow short distances, fall down banks and are also carried in flowing water. Seed and root fragments are also spread in contaminated soil, and dumped vegetation. Remove flowerheads early summer to stop seed dispersal. Don’t replant until after 2-3 treatments. Attempt to clear local gardens, especially on the coast.

Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.  

Need some help? Get in touch

Would you like help with weed control techniques, equipment, and herbicides? Get some support with tackling weeds on your own property or community reserve. Thanks to support from the Northland Regional Council, we can provide all products and equipment for free. 

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