Special Disposal notes: Seed and rhizome fragments spread by flowing water. Contaminated diggers, livestock, soil movement, dumped vegetation, eel nets, boats and trailers all spread seed and rhizome fragments into new catchments, pasture, and drains.
- Remove by hand or machine dig, including all roots, rhizome fragments and dispose of at refuse transfer station, dry out and burn, or bury. Follow up with limited spraying.
- Weedmat, leave for 3-4 months (difficult to apply, need to cover all of infestation to avoid rhizome survival and leave covered 3-4 months).
- Weed wipe (spring – autumn) with (200ml glyphosate + 2ml penetrant/1L water).
- Spray (spring – autumn) with (100ml glyphosate + 20ml penetrant/10L water (non-selective) or (50ml haloxyfop + 50ml crop oil/10L water (selective). Use haloxyfop where valuable species are at risk of spray contact. Resource consent may be required to spray over water .
- Spray aquatic sites (spring – autumn) with (100ml glyphosate/10L water, using the glyphosate formulation approved for use over water).
Begin all control work at the top of the catchment, and minimise site disturbance and the creation of bared areas. Do not spray during winter dormancy. Glyphosate gives excellent results, but regular follow up still required for resprouting rhizomes and the seedbank.
Caution: when using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.
For more information and pictures of this weed check out the Weedbusters info page.